Season 2 - Episode 12
Alta Du Toit Nasorg Sentrum
Why did Lottoland choose Alta Du Toit After Care Centre as a project to support.
The Centre celebrated its 40th birthday in 2018 and is situated in Boston, Bellville, serving communities in the Western Cape including persons from previously disadvantaged communities.
Our vision is to be the leader in the field of service delivery to persons with intellectual disabilities. Care to people with an intellectual disability is expensive, mainly due to the high staff/client ratio. A third of the clients living at the Centre do not have parents or families to pay the required monthly fees. The budget of the Centre makes provision for a discount of close to a million rand per annum due to the financial support that must be given to families who cannot afford to pay the full monthly fees. There are also a large group of older clients that necessitates more staff and more specialized care. The buildings of the Centre are old and require a lot of ongoing maintenance. The main sources of income for Alta du Toit Aftercare consist of contributions received from the Government, Parents/Family and the Community.
The centre receives a subsidy from the state based on the clients level of care required. All our clients receive disability pensions, but on average there is still a shortfall of about R2000 per client per month to meet the unit and operating costs. The operational budget of the Centre is R17 million for the 2018 / 2019 financial year. Taking this into consideration it is clear that funding is extremely important for the sustainability of the Centre.
Most clients live at the Alta du Toit Aftercare centre for their entire adult life. One of the major challenges is the fact there comes a time when family members responsible for the monthly contribution might no longer be in a position to pay the account. This can be due to ageing, limited income or death. In the past financial year, the centre provided financial assistance to the families amounting to close to a million rand. The centre, therefore, depends on donations from businesses, individuals, churches and other institutions.
BBBEE: The Alta du Toit Aftercare Centre is a programme of Badisa that is a registered NPO (NPO 011‐891). Badisa has a management programme and 157 welfare and residential programs such as the Alta du Toit Aftercare centre. In 2013/2014 BADISA provided services to 1.2 million beneficiaries of which at least 80% of the beneficiaries are from the black population group. Any donation to Badisa, or any of their programmes, such as the Alta du Toit Aftercare Centre, would therefore qualify for full recognition in terms of the codes of good practice (the BBBEE act).
Through our Marketing & Fundraising department, based at the centre, we create opportunities for businesses and individuals to become involved. The centre is highly dependent on the generosity of the public for funding and support. We see our donors as partners and therefore keep them informed, share stories, invite them to the centre and build lasting relationships so they will support us in our challenge to provide an excellent service.
We apply business principles in the marketing of the centre. We generate exposure for the organisation through the media, we build and maintain relationships with stakeholders, we manage to fund carefully and give feedback to donors so that they know that their donation to the centre was spent wisely and to the advantage of the people in our care.
Opportunities for funding are endless. We dream about expanding programmes such as the Alta du Toit centre, upgrade facilities and creating an environment where the latest technology and trends feature. The reality is that covering the basics are a major challenge.
Please note that financial donations to Altasorg or the Alta du Toit Aftercare centre are tax-deductible, and we can issue you with an 18(a) Tax certificate. Unspecified donations are also most welcome. Donations are tax-deductible, up to 10% of taxable income
Alta Du Toit Aftercare Centre Wishlist
Lottoland receives a “wishlist” from each organisation that we support. The need in all the projects we get involved in is so big and our contribution towards these projects are only a drop in the ocean. We’ve asked these organisations to share their wishlists with you.
Solar Power
Cash Donations

How can you get involved with Alta Du Toit Aftercare Centre?
Please feel free to contact us if you want to get involved and sponsor or donate to Alta Du Toit Aftercare Centre.
Please note that financial donations to Altasorg or the Alta du Toit Aftercare centre are tax-deductible, and we can issue you
with an 18(a) Tax certificate.
Contact Persons: Marina van der Meulen
Email: marina@altadutoit.org.za
Mobile Number: 021 913 2106
Website: https://altadutoit.org.za/
Banking Details:
Account Name: Alta Du Toit After Care Centre
Bank: ABSA
Cheque Account: 390141424 632005
Reference: Donation, Name & Surname
Please email your proof of payment to marina@altadutoit.org.za