Cheré Botha School
Why did Lottoland choose the Cheré Botha School as a project to support?
In every society there are those who are intellectually challenged for one reason or another. This could be the result of problems experienced during birth, a genetic disorder, a severe illness or an accident affecting the brain.
In South Africa it is estimated that four out of every thousand persons live with some kind of intellectual disability. Some may have just a mild form of intellectual disability and are still able to receive normal education. Others can receive training in order to handle certain tasks of which they are capable.
However it is important that each child who is intellectually challenged receives specialized teaching, therapy and care in order to progress and develop to their fullest potential. With the correct therapy, it is often surprising to what extent a child can progress. But without the correct training and environment, the child often becomes introverted and withdrawn and may even regress in their development.
It is also important that the parents and extended family receive guidance, advice and support in terms of how to adequately cope with the situation. This can only be provided by those who have in–depth training and experience in this field.
It is to assist children who are intellectually challenged, particularly with Down’s Syndrome or Autism, and their families that the Cheré Botha School was established.
The mission of the Cheré Botha School is to develop the learners potential through a purposeful activity-based intervention programme and to support the learners with special education needs through parental guidance from the broader community.
The school’s slogan is: Together we can Cope
This conveys a message of hope and encouragement through a partnership between the school and parents to ensure that each child receives maximum assistance so that they can develop to their full potential.

How can you get involved with the Cheré Botha School?
If you / your business wants to get involve and sponsor the Cheré Botha School, please feel free to contact us.
(We are registered for Article 18 A certificates)
Email: admin@cherebotha.co.za
Address: 20 Meerlust Street, Oakglen, Bellville, Western Cape
Contact Number: 021 910 5300
Website: www.cherebotha.co.za