Season 2 - Episode 5
Rock of Joy
Why did Lottoland choose Rock of Joy as a project to support.
Rock of Joy in Magalieskruin (Pretoria), is a non-profit charity organisation who take care of abandoned, abused, sick and neglected babies and toddlers until they are adopted, placed in foster care or re-unified with their families. Braam and Sheree Van Der Merwe, with their biological daughters, Jade & Aimee, have the opportunity to love and care for these precious little angels.
Braam & Sheree Van Der Merwe are so excited that the dream they had for many years finally came true. Their absolute love for children and the desire to make a difference set them on this journey and it turned into a passion. Sheree always knew she had a bigger purpose and higher calling for her life. For many years she had a deep desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Their entire family volunteered at a place of safety for 3 years.
Sheree received a prophesy one evening at their small group that said: “I see you on the top of a tower with children at your feet, who are not your own children. You are going to raise leaders.” Afterwards she received three confirmations from different people saying: “God says open your ears and hear what He is saying to you.” With a lot of prayer, help and support from her loving husband, Braam, they were moved into a new season of their lives and Rock of Joy was born. Braam and Sheree had the same vision and made themselves available to The Rock Place of Safety.
As they set out on their new journey, they firmly believe that this is their calling and their passion, and they are going to serve in this purpose wholeheartedly and glorify God in it. Rock of Joy is not an institution or children’s home. They are a tight knit family and they run this from their own home, while taking care of their own biological and foster care children as well.
They provide a safe, joyful, and loving home for abandoned, abused, sick, neglected, and traumatized babies and toddlers in crisis. They celebrate each milestone, birthday or special day with their little angels, and love and care for them, in all their needs, until they are safe and placed in loving families. They will serve their purpose with the highest integrity and honour.
Braam & Sheree are thankful that God is using them as His instruments to make a difference in these precious little lives. The job might be tiring, but at the end of each day they look back and gain new strength from God, knowing they made a difference in the life of a baby or toddler in crisis. That makes everything they sacrifice to do what they do all worthwhile.
Braam and Sheree currently love and care for about 13 children. Rock of Joy strives to make a difference in many children’s lives, but the need is great, and they are fully dependant on donations and assistance from the public and businesses.
Rock of Joy is inviting the public to get involved and really make an impact on the lives of these precious little souls.
Rock of Joy Wishlist
Lottoland receives a “wishlist” from each organisation that we support. The need in all the projects we get involved in is so big and our contribution towards these projects are only a drop in the ocean. We’ve asked these organisations to share their wishlists with you.
Donations for monthly running costs which is about R45 000 per month.
Lump sum donations towards their “Blessing Bus Drive” (They are in serious need of a mini bus)
Disposable Nappies, wetwipes and other baby products and clothes.
Any food donations such as meat, non-perishable foods, long life milk ect.
Cleaning products, washing powder, fabric softener ect.

How can you get involved with Rock of Joy?
Please feel free to contact us if you want to get involved and sponsor or donate to Rock of Joy.
(We are registered for Article 18A certificates)
Contact Person: Sheree and Braam Van der Merwe
Email: info@rockofjoy.co.za
Contact number: 072 581 8317
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/RockofJoy
Banking Details:
Name: Rock of Joy NPC
Bank: FNB
Branch Code: 210835
Bank Account Number: 62847324530
Reference: ROJ and your Name