Season 2 - Episode 8
Missing Children SA
Why did Lottoland choose Missing Children
South Africa as a project to support.
Missing Children South Africa is a registered NPO and PBO that assists the authorities when an individual goes missing in South Africa, for any reason whatsoever. We work closely with the South African Police Service and other government bodies as well as other NGO's and private initiatives, to assist in the recovery and safe return of any missing person. The organization was established in March 2007 in response to the kidnapping and brutal murders of Sheldean Human (7) from Pretoria and Anestacia Wiese (12) from Mitchell’s Plain, in an effort to assist and support families finding themselves in similar desperate situations.
A child goes missing every five hours in South Africa, according to figures released by the South African Police Service Missing Persons Bureau in 2013. This adds up to a total of 1 697 children per year. These figures have however not been updated (and no new releases since 2013) and the reality is most certainly far graver, as we navigate through 2021, EIGHT years later. According to Missing Children South Africa’s statistics, 77% of children are found. Sadly, this still leaves us with at least 23% of the children not being located. Trafficking in children is a global problem affecting large numbers of children. According to UNICEF and World Concern some estimates have as many as 1.2 million children begin trafficked every year. “Children and their families are often unaware of the dangers of trafficking, believing that better employment and lives lie in other countries.” The reality is shocking and undeniable and there is a tremendous demand for children to be traded into forced (cheap) labour or for sexual exploitation. From these statistics you can see that the plight of missing and vulnerable children in South Africa is of huge concern, and Missing Children South Africa plays a hugely important role in the safe recovery of missing children throughout South Africa.
Missing Children South Africa is based in the Western Cape but operate on a national level and as such, are the most recognised, free community service for missing individuals in South Africa. The service MCSA offers to the community and government is invaluable and as you can imagine we certainly have our work cut out for us. We provide our services free of charge to anyone who needs us. Sadly we don't necessarily enjoy the same privilege for our needs and our financial requirements quite often outweigh our resources!
Our first tier is that of an emergency response service. We have a national helpline for incident reports and callers are advised on which immediate steps to take in logging the incident officially so as to ensure efficient and timeous action.
Secondly, by activating a vast national social and media network we distribute flyers of missing children, creating mass awareness of the individual and maximising the chances of that child being recovered. We also liaise with the investigating officers of the South African Police Services (SAPS) on the various cases, so as to ensure a continuous flow of information between the parents and authorities.
Missing Children South Africa utilises all funding to continue operating on a monthly basis, finding the missing children (youth and adults) in South Africa and also continue with our Educational Programmes; ‘Safety Tips for Parents’, ‘Safety Tips for Children’ and our ‘Holiday Safety Tips’. This is targeted to all the children, youth, families, vulnerable and orphaned children, the elderly, and children with disabilities throughout South Africa. The programmes are also shared with parents, guardians and the families who take care of these children. The programmes focus on not only the dangers, but also the solutions with regards to what to do to keep children safe, and especially what not to do.
Our website www.missingchildren.org.za acts as an emergency report facility as well as being a platform for informational and educational material with regards to Child Safety.
Missing Children South Africa Wishlist
Lottoland receives a “wishlist” from each organisation that we support. The need in all the projects we get involved in is so big and our contribution towards these projects are only a drop in the ocean. We’ve asked these organisations to share their wishlists with you.
“Our goal is to raise R850 000.00, and in doing so, we would ensure the sustainability of Missing Children South Africa for MCSA’s 2021|2022 financial year.
Please feel free to contact Missing Children South Africa if you want to get involved, sponsor a salary or donateto Missing Children South Africa.
Please follow this link if you would like to make a donation to Missing Children
South Africa https://missingchildren.org.za/donate/ where you will see the various options available for to be able to donate – thank you.”

How can you get involved with Missing Children South Africa?
Please feel free to contact us if you want to get involved and sponsor or donate to Missing Children South Africa.
Missing Children South Africa is registered to issue Section 18A Tax Certificates.
NPO Number: 067 095
PBO Number: 930 034 181
Contact Person: Bianca van Aswegen
Email: bianca@missingchildren.org.za
Contact Number: 072 6477 464
Website: www.missingchildren.org.za
Banking Details:
Account Name: Missing Children SA
Name of Bank: Standard Bank
Cheque Account Number: 272471216
Branch: Tyger Manor
Branch Code: 050410
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Reference: Dankie Lottoland
If you would like to commit to a monthly debit-order, please click on this link
https://app.simpletosign.co.za/mandate?id=MSSAE9X45CAZG and complete – thank you.